Solent First Aid Complaints Procedure

This document outlines the procedure for making a complaint with regard to our training courses or any of our training services provided.

Copies of this document are available on request by calling 07800 960392 or 07502 453340.

Complaints Procedure

Information on making a complaint

We are committed to providing a professional, effective, and courteous training service to all our customers and training delegates. We appreciate though, that on occasion there may be a reason for complaint.

If you are dissatisfied with any of our courses or trainers, we want you to tell us. This will allow us to resolve your complaint, and try to ensure it does not happen again. This procedure tells you how to make a complaint about any of the training services we have provided.

How do I make my complaint?

You may be able to resolve your complaint by taking it up immediately with the individual trainer concerned, or by calling Solent First Aid on 07800 960392 or 07502 453340

Alternatively, you can write to our head office at:

Solent First Aid,
99 Roundway,

What should I include in my complaint?

You should include the following:

Your name and address (or company name and address if appropriate)
The name and date of the course you attended.
The name of the Training Instructor.
Information outlining your cause of complaint.
The name, time and date of the person you wrote or spoke to previously if applicable.
Details about what has gone wrong or has not been handled properly.
Tell us what you expect from us to help resolve your complaint.

What will happen next?

We will respond in writing, within 5 working days of receiving your complaint. If this is not possible, we will send you an acknowledgement explaining why we cannot provide you with an immediate response, including details of when you can expect a full reply.

We recognise that each complaint is different and that we will need to deal with each one in the most appropriate way. Therefore, our target is to address 90% of all complaints within 5 working days. We will reply to the remaining 10% within 10 working days.

What if I am not satisfied with the initial response?

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can escalate it by writing to the Managing Directors at the head office address above.

What can I expect?

We aim to provide a high standard of service but, unfortunately, there may be times when our customers have cause for complaint. If this happens you are entitled to expect any one, or a combination, of the following:

An apology.

An explanation.

An assurance that the same mistake will not happen again.

Details of the action we have taken to put things right.

You may also be entitled to financial compensation and/or alternative training courses/services. Compensation will depend on the circumstances, and any actual loss suffered or costs incurred. Each claim is considered on its own merit.

Training Evaluation and Feedback

One of the best ways we can continue to improve our service is by training evaluation, listening to, and responding to our customer views. We hope that there will not be cause for complaint, but if there is, we promise to act promptly to get early resolution. Our aim is to learn from any complaints, and improve the effectiveness of our courses and training techniques.

Please also take the time to tell us when we get it right. If there is any specific part of our training course, course materials, Instruction techniques or Instructor that you found particularly effective, please let us know so that we can maintain our good practices. Please send any comments to our Head Office.

Call Adam: 0780 096 0392 | Call Dave: 07502 453 340Email Us | |